Microservice Solution

Our Microservice Solution helps you review your IT infrastructure, and provide phased services according to the needs of enterprises. We assist your developers, IT operators and other members quickly import microservice architecture to accelerate overall development and innovation. Helps your enterprises enter the market quickly and gain the first opportunity!

Learn More about Microservice Solution

Comprehensively Import Microservices

More Elastic and Flexible Infrastructure of Microservice

Helps you start the KEY technology of microservies

Contanerized and Management

Quickly deploy services by container with orchestration system. Helps you manage all the container service at once.

API Service Management

APIs are commonly used for microservices communication. By API Gateway could effectivily manage service usage.

Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Automate testing and deployment of your microservices with CI/CD to accelerate overall development and innovation.

Professional Consultation

Experienced professional technical team of us provides helps you solve problems in the process of microservice introduction.

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Kubernetes Certified Service Provider. Best Microservice Solution for Enterprises.

We are Kubernetes Certified Service Provider by CNCF. And is the top containerization and container management expert in Taiwan. Through our years of experience in cloud technology and software development, we can fully assist you in the process of importing microservices and achieve the goal of digital transformation!